Token Allocation:
Toatal Supply:1B $CBG
Liquidity Pool: 15%
Purpose: To provide initial liquidity to ensure smooth trading.
Allocation: 150 million tokens
Presale: 30%
Purpose: To raise funds through a presale event to support the early development of the project.
Allocation: 300 million tokens
Airdrop + Rewards: 10%
Purpose: For community building, attracting early users and contributors through airdrops and rewards.
Allocation: 100 million tokens
Team: 5%
Purpose: To incentivize the project team to ensure continuous development and innovation.
Allocation: 50 million tokens
Vesting Mechanism: Team tokens will be vested and gradually unlocked after the project goes live, with a specific vesting schedule set according to the project's development.
Ecosystem Lock-up: 40%
Purpose: For ecosystem development, incentivizing long-term token holding by users to support the growth of the project's ecosystem.
Allocation: 400 million tokens
Vesting Mechanism: Ecosystem staking tokens will be gradually unlocked over a certain period, with a specific vesting schedule set according to the project's development.